The gods of Olympus have blessed you with gifts: the wings of Daidalos, the sword of Achilles, the bow of Odysseus, and more, as well as legendary powers that will help turn the tides of battle. Use them to fight mythical monsters, solve ancient puzzles and explore the vast open world
Face off against legendary beasts like Cyclops, Medusa, or Minotaur, and confront corrupted heroes such as Achilles. Take them on in fast-paced aerial and melee combat, combining your god-given abilities and weapons
Discover a beautifully rendered and vibrant fantasy world. Traverse, climb or explore by air across seven unique regions, each inspired by the gods
Use your wit and special abilities to solve challenging puzzles and mind-bending vaults or partake in high-strategy boss battles to increase your power and upgrade your skills
About this Game:
You are Eivor, a fierce Viking warrior raised on tales of battle and glory. Explore a dynamic and beautiful open world set against the brutal backdrop of England’s Dark Ages.
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